Enrich your articles with external content
Documents are an entirely optional, but incredibly powerful part of the Custom Articles feature.
They allow you to do two things:
Knowledge Enrich your articles with knowledge from sources that Byword may not have access to (whitepapers, internal knowledge bases, specific videos or podcasts).
Writing Style Tailor Byword's tone of voice based on samples (similar to our pre-existing Custom Styles feature).
The basic process for using documents is to:
Choose which of the above document types you'd like to use.
Create the document by uploading a file, or linking to an external source.
Attach documents to your projects, when you go to generate them.
We'll now break down these steps in more detail, and see how you can use documents in action.
Creating a Document
To create a document, head to the document creation screen.
There, you'll be asked to give your document a name (just so you can identify it) and choose a document type.
Next, you'll be asked to choose your document source:
There are five options to choose from here:
Once you've chosen your source, followed the relevant steps, and checked for any errors, you're good to go. Hit the button at the bottom of the page to save the document to your account.
You'll then be taken back to the Custom Articles dashboard, and should see your new document near the bottom of the screen.
Note that some document sources (videos, audio files, and any longer text-based source) may take a moment to process. These will all finish within 5 minutes (and usually only take 1 or 2) or will time out and return an error message. You can click on the error (the red triangle) to see more details.
Using Documents
Once you have one or more documents in your account, with a green tick next to them (as in the image above), you'll be able to use them when you generate articles from a template.
On the generation screen, you'll notice the ability to attach documents, once you've mapped your variables:
In the screenshot above we're telling Byword that we'd like to use the first two documents for the articles being generated in this project:
Podcast Upload has a Knowledge document type, and so will be used to inform the content of our articles.
My Writing Style has a Writing Style document type, and so will influence the style in which the article is written.
You can currently attach up to 3 documents to each project.
When you're ready to go and have filled in the rest of your settings, you can hit the Generate Articles button.
Last updated
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